The Subdirectorate of Domestic Financing of the Nation plans and implements the internal financing strategy using resources from the domestic capital market, related operations, asset management, and securitizations, all while considering the established financing goals. The aim is to finance the General National Budget and the budgets of decentralized entities. The domestic capital market financing strategy focuses on the efficient placement of Treasury Bills (TES), with the objective of securing the necessary funds to finance the budget allocations for each fiscal year, while seeking to reduce costs and operate within prudent risk parameters.
The Subdirectorate of Domestic Financing has designed and implemented a proactive and organized debt issuance and placement strategy in the domestic market, enabling it to meet the financial needs outlined in the Financial Plan well in advance each year. Thanks to the auction-based placement model, along with Public Entities, the primary and secondary markets for domestic public debt continue to be consolidated. These functions are regulated under Decree 4646 of 2006.