

The Investor Relations Office (IRO) was created in order to join efforts to enhance and to pursue a more proactive management of Republic of Colombia´s relations with investors and customers. The primary objective is to make sure our local and international investors are updated through the delivery of reliable and accurate information, and are able to make informed decisions. The IRC Team proposes and advises on the Nation’s strategy for approaching market agents, investors and other parties interested in participating in public debt operations. Its purpose is to improve information disclosure; the overall perception on Colombian public debt, its economy and investment opportunities in the country. It contributes in broadening Colombia’s possibilities of raising capital and financing.

Our Investor Relations Office will provide the following services:

Disseminate periodic relevant information that includes public debt data, economic and fiscal information.

Attend and resolve all investors and users requirements received through IRC's website or by phone.

Organize and coordinate the events and contact activities with investors such as roadshows, bilateral meetings, conference calls and agendas for multilateral organization annual meetings, among others.

Diego Alejandro Guevara Castañeda

Ministro de Hacienda y Crédito Público

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